Friday, June 20, 2008

Casting Change

It's not abnormal to have to make a change in casting early in a production. Liz Ashby, the talented girl we cast as Jenny, was forced to bow out for personal reasons, namely, her parents were uncomfortable with Liz playing a pseudo-romantic role at such a youg age.

The love story between Arthur and Jenny is, in my view, a completely inoccuous puppy-love romace. it's not like we have these kids going at it in the back seat of a car. I'm actually very sensitive to the problem of Hollywood sexualizing young people at an early age, but . . . what we're doing here is cute and harmless. And the story would lack the necessary dramatic heft without it.

So, the role of Jenny now goes to Kayla Dudley, who I think will do a marvelous job. This may, in fact, be serendiptious. Kayla has a lovable glow, charisma and humor about her that I think will give Jenny and added spark.

Life finds a way.

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